Laserlab-Europe Newsletter #34: 3D Biomedical Imaging

Focus: 3D Biomedical Imaging

Biomedical imaging plays an important role in health and life sciences, with 3D biomedical imaging now opening new possibilities from basic research to clinical diagnostics and treatment. The articles in this focus showcase examples of possible applications and tools with a transformative impact.


  • X-ray tomography and machine learning for tooth microcrack analysis (VULRC, Lithuania)
  • Imaging of cancer cell adhesion using combined soft X-ray contact microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (MUT-IOE, Poland)
  • XPulse Laser Plasma X-ray source for Phase contrast mammography (CELIA, France)
  • Real-time molecular imaging of near-surface tissue using Raman spectroscopy (Leibniz IPHT, Germany)
  • SILMAS – 3D microscopy for the quantification of pathology in whole mouse brains (LLC, Sweden)
  • Introducing a modulated excitation to localise single molecules (ISMO, France)
  • Adaptive optics fluorescence microscopy for high resolution in vivo imaging (ISMO, France)


  • THRILL: Advancing Technology for High-Repetition Rate Intense Laser Laboratories
  • fastMOT: Innovative light sensing solution for non-invasive imaging of deep organ structures
  • New Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Photonic and Quantum Sciences
  • New D100X Laser for simulation of extremely high temperatures and pressures
  • Breakthrough in compact and affordable free-electron laser technology
  • New X-ray technique to image phase transitions of quantum materials

Access highlight

Triggering proton-boron fusion reactions using a 10 GW tabletop laser

Fusion reactions are literally a “hot” topic, requiring temperatures in excess of 100 million degrees Celsius. They hold the promise of providing near limitless, clean, baseload energy, but the amazing benefits of their potential use remain balanced against the extremely challenging realisation of the fusion schemes.

ERC Grants

Laserlab-Europe researchers have again been successful in the ERC’s highly competitive selection process. Congratulations to the fifteen scientists who were recently awarded ERC grants for a period of five years, nine receiving a Starting Grant (up to € 1.5 million), three receiving a Consolidator Grant (up to € 2 million), and three receiving an Advanced Grant (up to € 2.5 million).

Community news

  • Joint ELI User Programme, progress of integration and new members

  • ReMade@ARI offers access to 48 European analytical facilities

Editorial Team: Tracey Burge, Nele Holemans, Marina Fischer, Julia Michel, Daniela Stozno