Connecting laser research infrastructures across Europe

Laserlab-Europe AISBL brings together 47 leading laser research infrastructures in 22 European countries. The association is committed to facilitating the development of advanced lasers and laser-based technologies in Europe. The majority of the members provides open access to their facilities to international scientists.


Serving users from academia, industry and medical centres


Promoting scientific excellence in laser-based research

Use our facilities

The majority of our members offers transnational access to top-quality laser research facilities and to a large variety of inter-disciplinary research. Scientists and industry can take part in the access programme free of charge, including travel and accommodation.

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper / HIJ

Newsletter #37: Lasers and Cultural Heritage

In this issue, we highlight remarkable projects that demonstrate the unique power of laser technologies to examine and preserve Europe’s cultural treasures for generations to come.

Image adapted from B. Ardini et al., J. Phys. Photonics 6: 035013, 2024

Participate in training events

Laserlab-Europe organises user training schools and training events on-site and online. Users can experience hands-on training in a variety of specialist lab techniques from across laser research.

Image: IST

Join our expert groups

Laserlab-Europe’s expert groups for topics of common interest boost collective action and are open to interested external scientists.


Laserlab-Europe Talks

Laserlab-Europe organises a series of online seminars and panel discussions proposed and organised by the community on specific topics, providing a platform for regular information exchange and knowledge sharing.


Laserlab-Europe V

For information on the EU-funded project Laserlab-Europe V (2019-2024), visit