Laser Manufacturing
Refining the processes (among which laser electrospinning, laser additive manufacturing or laser shock peening) involved in laser (nano)machining, laser printing or surface engineering, and using them for custom fabrication.
CLF (Oxfordshire, UK)
The CLF offers access to five unique laser facilities for multi-disciplinary research. VULCAN operates two target areas: a high energy 1 PW capability and a synchronised 100 TW & 2 kJ/ns capability, both with very flexible configurations for research in high energy density science. GEMINI offers a unique synchronised dual beam capability with 0.5 PW beams operating at one shot every 20 seconds, focussing on plasma accelerators and the generation and application of secondary sources. ARTEMIS has three beamlines utilising HHG, at 1 kHz/800 nm/200 eV and 100 kHz/1700 nm/1 keV (due online shortly), with a wide suite of end stations for pump-probe experiments in ultrafast XUV science. ULTRA is an ultrafast pump-probe laser spectroscopy facility, combining laser, detector and sample manipulation technology to probe ultrafast molecular dynamics. OCTOPUS: a suite of imaging and laser trapping capabilities, such as super-resolution (including cryogenic), confocal, and light sheet microscopy, single molecule imaging/tracking, and focused ion beam SEM.
CLPU (Salamanca, Spain)
CLPU operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed by three independent and synchronised 30 fs long Ti:Sa based-laser pulses: VEGA-3 of 1 PW (at 1Hz), VEGA- 2 of 200 TW and VEGA-1 of 20 TW (both up to 10 Hz). Besides its architecture, the uniqueness of VEGA is that it is a petawatt-class laser system of high-repetition rate.
HILASE (Dolni Břežany, Czech Republic)
HiLASE operates two diode-pumped Yb:YAG solid state laser facilities: Bivoj, delivering over 1 kW of average power in 105 J, 10 ns pulses at 10 Hz, for laser shock peening and ion generation, and Perla, a high average power laser platform generating < 2 ps pulses in broad spectral region from 206 nm to 3 microns for laser processing.
LENS (Florence, Italy)
LENS, the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, is a center of excellence at the University of Florence. Research interests include photonics, biophysics, chemistry and atomic physics. Three different main research areas (BIOPHOTONICS, PHOTONIC MATERIALS, ATOMIC PHYSICS) and more than twenty research topics, corresponding to active laboratories, are presently running.
LP3 (Marseille, France)
LP3 is a multidisciplinary academic laboratory of excellence. Its major activities focus on: i) generation of secondary sources such as hard X-ray by laser-induced plasma technology ii) fundamentals and technological research of laser-matter interactions and iii) development of laser-based processes. The main applications are related to laser structuration and fabrication with major outcomes in photonics, microelectronics, medicine and laser-based diagnostics.
ULF-FORTH (Heraklion, Greece)
The Ultraviolet Laser Facility (ULF-FORTH) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory dedicated to laser-based science. It is the major laser research facility in Greece. ULF-FORTH combines state-of-the-art experimental facilities with a rich spectrum of research activities and expertise including Atomic and Optical physics, Molecular physics and Chemical dynamics, laser-materials interactions, laser applications and techniques in Biomedicine and in Cultural Heritage.
VULRC (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Vilnius University Laser Research Center (VULRC) hosts a number of laboratories dedicated to fundamental and applied laser research. The research topics include but are not limited to laser micromachining, nanophotonics, standardized metrology of optical components, development of novel laser and parametric sources, investigation of nonlinear phenomena in the NIR and MIR spectral ranges, generation and application of broadband terahertz pulses, time-resolved spectroscopy, nonlinear microscopy and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy.