Environmental Sciences & Ecology
Analysing wastes (e.g. microplastics), their effects on the environment and possible recycling methods; studying the interactions among organisms and their environment (e.g. measuring individual chemicals to deduce environmental conditions through time or across an ecosystem or detect pollution); developing processes to treat polluted media (e.g. bioremediation).
CLF (Oxfordshire, UK)
The CLF offers access to five unique laser facilities for multi-disciplinary research. VULCAN operates two target areas: a high energy 1 PW capability and a synchronised 100 TW & 2 kJ/ns capability, both with very flexible configurations for research in high energy density science. GEMINI offers a unique synchronised dual beam capability with 0.5 PW beams operating at one shot every 20 seconds, focussing on plasma accelerators and the generation and application of secondary sources. ARTEMIS has three beamlines utilising HHG, at 1 kHz/800 nm/200 eV and 100 kHz/1700 nm/1 keV (due online shortly), with a wide suite of end stations for pump-probe experiments in ultrafast XUV science. ULTRA is an ultrafast pump-probe laser spectroscopy facility, combining laser, detector and sample manipulation technology to probe ultrafast molecular dynamics. OCTOPUS: a suite of imaging and laser trapping capabilities, such as super-resolution (including cryogenic), confocal, and light sheet microscopy, single molecule imaging/tracking, and focused ion beam SEM.
LLC (Lund, Sweden)
Located in Lund, in the south of Sweden, the LLC is the largest unit in the Scandinavian countries in the field of lasers and their use in spectroscopy, diagnostics and analysis. Its research programme ranges from atomic physics and attoscience to medical diagnostics and treatment, from fundamental quantum information and single-molecule spectroscopy to applied laser diagnostics of industrial processes.
LOA (Palaiseau, France)
LOA has played a pioneering role in the development of ultrafast laser-matter science at high intensities and related new concept of ultrafast lasers and secondary sources (electrons, protons, EUV, X-ray and gamma-rays, THz). LOA was one of the founders of the LASERLAB community. LOA develops cutting-edge advanced programs to answer scientific and societal challenges.
ULF-FORTH (Heraklion, Greece)
The Ultraviolet Laser Facility (ULF-FORTH) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory dedicated to laser-based science. It is the major laser research facility in Greece. ULF-FORTH combines state-of-the-art experimental facilities with a rich spectrum of research activities and expertise including Atomic and Optical physics, Molecular physics and Chemical dynamics, laser-materials interactions, laser applications and techniques in Biomedicine and in Cultural Heritage.