Project ID |
Title |
PI |
Year |
Home Institution |
CLF001554 |
A Study of the Surfaces of Nanoparticles using Femtosecond Stimulated Resonance Raman Spectroscopy |
John Kelly |
2010 |
Trinity College Dublin |
CLF001562 |
Photoinitiated CO-Release Molecules: Towards novel Therapeutic Agents |
Mary Pryce |
2010 |
Dublin City University |
CLF001563 |
Ultrafast Fermi surface dynamics in transient metallic phases of correlated-electron systems |
Jesse Petersen |
2010 |
Max Planck Group for Structural Dynamics, Centre for Free Electron Laser Science, University of Hamburg |
CLF001567 |
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) analysis of protein interactions and conformation in plant root tissue |
Ilda Casimiro |
2010 |
Universidad de Extremadura, SPAIN |
CLF001568 |
Imaging and Spectroscopic profiling of the behaviour of Ultrafine Carbon Nanoparticles in solution and in Cells |
Susan Quinn |
2010 |
University College Dublin |
CLF001608 |
ultrafast dynamics of corellation signatures in the photoemission spectra of cuprate superconductors |
Stefan Kaiser |
2010 |
CLF001639 |
Study of naphthalimides and their nucleotide complexes by ultrafast TRIR and 2D-IR spectroscopy |
John Kelly |
2011 |
Trinity College Dublin |
CLF001640 |
First Comprehensive Vibrational study of DNA Dynamics in Water and D2O: Transient Infrared Complemented by Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy |
Susan Quinn |
2011 |
University College Dublin |
CLF001641 |
Characterisation of Mesoporous, and Quantum dot Carbon Particles as Delivery and Imaging agents |
Susan Quinn |
2011 |
University College Dublin |
CLF001664 |
Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Study of Excited State Reorganization in Organic Semiconductors |
Sophia Hayes |
2011 |
University of Cyprus |
CLF001669 |
Ultrafast Photophysics and Electron Transfer in Quantum Dots |
Yurii Gun'ko |
2011 |
Trinity College Dublin |
CLF001702 |
Relativistic mirrors from ultra-thin DLC-foils for frequency upshifting and attosecond pulse production |
Jürgen Meyer-ter-Vehn |
2012 |
TU Munich |
CLF001708 |
Double-stage laser-plasma electron acceleration |
Nelson Lopes |
2011 |
Instituto Superior Tecnico |
CLF001721 |
Exploiting the high specific surface area of porous carbon for cell delivery |
Susan Quinn |
2012 |
University College Dublin |
CLF001743 |
Time resolved ARPES study of out-of-equilibrium topological insulator:photo-induced phase transition between non trivial-to-trivial topology |
Alberto Crepaldi |
2012 |
CLF001744 |
Two-colour HHG spectroscopy in organic molecules |
Ricardo Torres |
2012 |
Centro de Láseres Pulsados Ultracortos Ultraintensos |
CLF001745 |
Characterizing ultrafast, mid-IR-driven melting processes in complex insulators with XUV ARPES |
Stefan Kaiser |
2012 |
Max Planck Group for Structural Dynamics, CFEL, University of Hamburg |
CLF001875 |
XUV pulselength measurement |
Luca Poletto |
2011 |
Università di Padova |
CNRS-CELIA001532 |
Time-resolved attosecond dynamics of photoionization in solids |
Jérôme Gaudin |
2010 |
European XFEL - DESY |
CNRS-CELIA001615 |
Phase Characterization of Multilayer Mirrors for XUV radiation using the RABITT technique |
Ryszard Sobierajski |
2011 |
FOM Rijnhuizen |
CNRS-CELIA001691 |
Excitation of low energy nuclear isomeric levels by x rays and electrons from the CELIA femtosecond laser plasma source |
Klaus Spohr |
2012 |
University of the West of Scotland |
CNRS-CELIA001747 |
X-ray emission dynamic from high- and medium-Z plasma irradiated by ultra intense lasers |
Marion Harmand |
2012 |
DESY - Hasylab - FLASH |
CNRS-CELIA001748 |
Molecular entanglement in the time domain |
Xavier Urbain |
2012 |
Université catholique de Louvain |
CNRS-CELIA001749 |
Probing vibrations of the N2O4 molecule using High harmonic generation with two-color fields. |
Nirit Dudovich |
2011 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
CNRS-CELIA001752 |
Probing a an amorphous to crystalline phase transition in Carbon Fourier Domain Interferometry |
Jérome Gaudin |
2012 |
European XFEL |
CNRS-CELIA001775 |
Study of few-cycle laser pulses generation at 2 micron by filamentation process |
Amelle Zair |
2012 |
Imperial College London |
CNRS-LP3001526 |
Femtosecond laser-assisted synthesis of novel semiconductor-based photosensitizers with singlet oxygen production for photodynamic therapy and disinfection |
Alexandre Douplik |
2010 |
Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
CNRS-LP3001571 |
ps Laser printing of organic thin films transistors |
2012 |
National technical University of Athens |
CNRS-LP3001575 |
Measurements of Stark broadening parameters in laser-produced plasmas |
Nikola Konjevic |
2010 |
Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade |
CNRS-LP3001658 |
Nanolithography by self-assembly and laser sources |
Luca Boarino |
2011 |
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca metrologica |
CNRS-LP3001678 |
LIBS on combinatorial-PLD oxide films |
Ion N. Mihailescu |
2011 |
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics |
CNRS-LP3001685 |
Shadowgraphic studies of femtosecond laser-induced forward transfer |
Mathias Feinaeugle (group leader: Dr. Rob Eason) |
2011 |
Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton |
CNRS-LP3001720 |
Measurement of Stark broadening parameters in laser produced plasmas |
Nikola Konjevi? |
2011 |
Faculty of physics, University of Belgrade |
CNRS-LP3001733 |
Self-absorption of electronic transitions in CN and C2 molecules in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy |
Alessio Perrone |
2011 |
University of Salento |
CNRS-LP3001772 |
Microstructured bio-patterns by laser induced transfer (LIFT) for in vitro handling oriented growth of cells |
Valentina Dinca |
2012 |
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics |
CUSBO001400 |
Comparison of time-resolved and frequency domain reflectance spectroscopy |
Martin Wolf |
2009 |
Clinic of neonatology/University hospital |
CUSBO001454 |
Non destructive assessment of maturity at harvest in tropical fruits by pulsed near infrared light (TRS) |
Pol Tijskens |
2009 |
WUR Horticultural Supply Chains |
CUSBO001462 |
A sensor fusion approach for in-situ analyzes of agro-food pigments |
Manuela Zude |
2011 |
Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim (ATB) |
CUSBO001510 |
The Use of Time Resolved Spectroscopy to Determine Internal Quality of Peaches After Storage |
Susan Lurie-Zaslavsky |
2009 |
Agricultural Research Organization |
CUSBO001530 |
Time-resolved Carrier Dynamics in Graphite Films |
Claus Ropers |
2009 |
University of Göttingen, Courant Research Center |
CUSBO001534 |
Time-resolved measurement of scattering and absorption coefficients in human skeletal muscle during contraction and relaxation |
Thomas Gisler |
2009 |
Universität Konstanz, Fachbereich Physik |
CUSBO001538 |
Ultrafast nonlinear interaction between surface plasmon polariton and exciton in hybrid metal-semiconductor nanostructures. |
Christoph Lienau |
2011 |
Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg |
CUSBO001539 |
coherent vibrational dynamics of supracrystals of metal nanoparticles |
Marie-Paule Pileni |
2012 |
University P & M Curie |
CUSBO001561 |
High harmonic molecular imaging with intense few-cycle mid-infrared laser pulses |
Jon Marangos |
2010 |
Imperial College London |
CUSBO001602 |
Single attosecond pulse generation by a two-color laser field |
2011 |
National Institute R&D of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies |
CUSBO001604 |
Studying excited state vibrational dynamics of the retinal protonated Schiff base with NIR impulsive Raman |
Sanford Ruhman |
2011 |
Hebrew University |
CUSBO001624 |
Conical intersection dynamics in isorhodopsin photoisomerisation |
Philipp Kukura |
2011 |
Oxford University |
CUSBO001628 |
Verification of novel computational measurement model for diffuse optical tomography |
Jari Kaipio |
2011 |
University of Eastern Finland |
CUSBO001644 |
Determination of the optical properties of layered turbid media with spatially and time resolved reflectance measurements |
Alwin Kienle |
2011 |
Institute for laser technologies |
CUSBO001645 |
Identifying ultrafast loss channels in a supramolecular photocatalyst for hydrogen production |
Benjamin Dietzek |
2011 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
CUSBO001654 |
Ultrafast Coherent isomerization in biomimetic photoswitches |
Jérémie Léonard |
2011 |
Institut de physique et chimie des matériaux de Strasbourg |
CUSBO001679 |
Two-Color probing of attosecond dynamics |
Nirit Dudovich |
2011 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
CUSBO001712 |
Systematic electron-phonon interaction strength measurements in high-temperature superconductors with femtosecond spectroscopy |
Christoph Gadermaier |
2012 |
Jozef Stefan Institute |
CUSBO001719 |
Control of excited state deactivation in substituted distyrylbenzenes |
Larry Lüer |
2012 |
IMDEA nanociencia, Madrid (Spain) |
CUSBO001780 |
AFEEL: Analogical FEEdback Loop for CEP stabilization |
Jean-François Hergott |
2012 |
CUSBO001794 |
Interest of time-gated detection for imaging in depth in minimum acquisition time in reflectance Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT) |
Anne Koenig |
2012 |
DP-USZ001596 |
Efficient VUV generation by tripling KrF laser radiation in argon gas-jet |
Leszek Ryc |
2011 |
Institute of Plsma Physics and Laser Microfusion |
FSU-IOQ001616 |
Measurement of strong electric field in dense plasma during Target Normal Sheath Acceleration by x-ray line analysis |
Yitzhak Maron |
2010 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
FSU-IOQ001683 |
Harmonics from relativistically driven plasma surfaces |
Matt Zepf |
2011 |
Queen's University Belfast |
FSU-IOQ001735 |
Measurement of strong electric field in dense plasma during Target Normal Sheath Acceleration by x-ray line analysis |
Yitzhak Maron |
2012 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
FSU-IOQ001751 |
White-light interferometry using carrier-envelope phasemeters |
Alexander Dreischuh |
2012 |
Sofia University |
FSU-IOQ001781 |
Polarisation gating and autocorrelation of high harmonics from realtivistically oscillating mirrors |
Brendan Dromey |
2012 |
Queens University Belfast |
GSI001490 |
Investigation of lateral transport of electron energy in over-dense plasma |
Paul McKenna |
2009 |
University of Strathclyde |
GSI001491 |
Towards multi-100 eV X-ray lasers generated by high-energy transient collisional pumping at the new PW-Phelix facility |
David Ros |
2009 |
Universite Paris Sud 11 |
GSI001492 |
Spectral Modification of Laser-Accelerated Proton Beams via Multiple Pulse Irradiation |
David Neely |
2010 |
Central Laser Facility, Rutherford-Appleton Lab |
GSI001540 |
Laser energy transfer to fast electrons in solid targets |
Paul McKenna |
2010 |
University of Strathclyde |
GSI001541 |
Iron opacity measurement in a plasma characterized by XUV Thomson scattering |
Gianluca Gregori |
2012 |
Oxford University |
GSI001542 |
David Ros |
2010 |
Universite Paris Sud XI |
GSI001648 |
High output SXRL for pump-probe experiments |
Ros David |
2012 |
University Paris Sud |
LCVU001484 |
Time resolved discrimination of optically active pharmaceutical ingredients coupled to liquid separation |
Virginie Lhiaubet |
2009 |
Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica UPV-CSIC |
LCVU001494 |
Real-time visualization of the dynamic interactions between single-stranded DNA binding proteins and recombinases on single DNA molecules |
2012 |
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) UPR 3081 |
LCVU001500 |
Experimental study of spontaneous Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering in air |
Oliver Reitebuch |
2009 |
Deutsches Zentrum f. Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR |
LCVU001501 |
Inhomogeneous disorder: the case for homologous versus heterologous LH2 rings. |
Andrew Gall |
2009 |
Institut de Biologie et Technologies de Saclay (CEA-CNRS) |
LCVU001502 |
Measurement of angular momentum polarization of CO(v=0,J) photofragments from OCS photodissociation. |
Theodore Peter Rakitzis |
2009 |
Department of Physics, University of Crete |
LCVU001512 |
Fluorescence line narrowing on phytochromes |
Robert Bittl |
2009 |
Freie Universität Berlin |
LCVU001516 |
Functional dynamics and molecular recognition by RNA switches: UV resonance Raman spectroscopic studies. |
Harald Schwalbe |
2010 |
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main |
LCVU001527 |
Magnetometry microscopy with single defects in diamond for imaging of ATPase |
Fedor Jelezko |
2010 |
3.Physikalisches Institut, University of Stuttgart |
LCVU001544 |
The role of the PICH protein as a DNA tension sensor |
Ian Hickson |
2011 |
University of Oxford |
LCVU001548 |
Energy transfer and primary charge separation in Photosystem I of green algae Chlamydomonas rienhardtii. |
Krzysztof Gibasiewicz |
2010 |
Adam Mickiewicz University |
LCVU001550 |
In-situ evaluation of non-covalent polymer coatings for protein capillary electrophoresis by evanescent-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy and evanescent-wave cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy |
Lineke van der Sneppen |
2010 |
University of Oxford |
LCVU001559 |
Observation of the 1557nm transition between the two metastable states of helium. |
Michèle Leduc |
2010 |
Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, Ecole Normale Supérieure |
LCVU001565 |
The long-range order of photosynthetic membranes during light-intensity adaptation |
raoul frese |
2010 |
CEA/DSV/iBiTec-S |
LCVU001595 |
Novel Bioluminescence-based biosensor for real-time monitoring of Tat transport system activity in live E. Coli |
Juan Llopìs |
2012 |
Albacete School of Medicine |
LCVU001605 |
Rdv. sulfidophilum LH2 : What is the influence of pH on its spectral dynamics? |
Andrew Gall |
2012 |
Institute of Biology and Technology of Saclay (iBiTec-S) |
LCVU001606 |
Excited-state deactivation in bacterial light-harvesting antenna containing Ni-substituted bacteriochlorophyll |
Petar Lambrev |
2012 |
Hungarian Academy of Sciencies, Biological Research Center |
LCVU001618 |
Ultrafast stimulated Raman spectroscopy on BLUF photoreceptor proteins |
Tilo Mathes |
2012 |
Humboldt Universität Berlin |
LCVU001626 |
How OCP regulates light-harvesting in cyanobacteria |
Rudi Berera |
2012 |
CEA Saclay |
LCVU001662 |
Study of the plasmonic enhancement of fluorescent dyes emission at the proximity of a film of silver nanoparticles |
Thierry Gacoin |
2012 |
Ecole Polytechnique-CNRS |
LCVU001665 |
Stark spectroscopy of de novo designed bacteriochlorophyll-binding protein complexes |
Iris Margalit (Dror Noy) |
2012 |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
LCVU001670 |
Resonance Raman spectroscopy for the identification of nitrocellulose-based gunpowders. |
Carmen García-Ruiz |
2011 |
Assistant professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Alcalá |
LCVU001717 |
Excitation energy migration in photosystem II supercomplex with natural and genetically modified set of individual antenna proteins. |
Wojciech Giera |
2011 |
Adam Mickiewicz University |
LCVU001728 |
Mid-infrared dual-comb time-domain spectrometer for molecular gas sensing and fingerprinting |
Marco Marangoni |
2012 |
Politecnico di Milano |
LCVU001732 |
Function and spectral properties an unusual bacterial photosynthetic apparatus |
Katia Duquesne |
2011 |
LCVU001753 |
Ultra fast processes of Chlamyrhodopsin-5 (COP5) |
Peter Hegemann PETER |
2012 |
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
LCVU001821 |
Femtosecond multi-pulse transient absorption spectroscopy of the major plant light harvesting complex (LHCII) |
Bart Frederik van Oort |
2012 |
CEA Saclay |
LENS001458 |
Investigation of the relaxation processes in polymer gels by means of heterodyne detected transient grating experiments |
Marie Plazanet |
2009 |
Institut Laue Langevin |
LENS001509 |
Dynamics of water confined in clays |
Sophie LE CAER |
2009 |
LENS001536 |
Optical transport properties of three-dimensional photonic quasicrystals and their approximants |
Georg von Freymann |
2012 |
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe |
LENS001579 |
Engineered nonlinear converters for quantum frequency combs |
Ady Arie |
2010 |
Tel-Aviv University |
LENS001609 |
Pressure induced physical and chemical processes in solid nitrogen doped with CO |
Hans Joerg Jodl |
2012 |
Technical University Kaiserslautern |
LENS001617 |
Construction and demonstration of a high power and narrow linewidth laser system operating at 556nm |
Thomas Allsop |
2010 |
Photonics Research Group, Aston University |
LENS001660 |
Pressure induced physical and chemical processes in solid nitrogen doped with CO - part II |
Hans Joerg Jodl |
2012 |
Technical University Kaiserslautern |
LENS001677 |
Generation and properties of electromagnetic shock waves |
Luis Vazquez |
2012 |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
LENS001680 |
Spectral manipulation of ultrafast quantum states |
Katiuscia Cassemiro |
2011 |
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light |
LENS001716 |
Orientational dynamics and low frequency response of aqueous solutions of 1-butyl-3 methylimidazolium acetate: Time resolved Kerr effect analysis |
Abdenacer Idrissi |
2012 |
LASIR, University of Lille, Chemistry department |
LENS001718 |
Space ant Time Domain Studies of Strongly Anomalous Light Transport |
Allard P. Mosk |
2011 |
MESA+ Intsitute for Nanotechnology |
LLC001493 |
Storage of light in a Pr-Y2SiO5 crystal using Atomic Frequency Combs |
Mikael Afzelius |
2009 |
University of Geneva |
LLC001496 |
Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in Polycyclic Molecules… … a step towards application of attosecond pulses |
franck lepine |
2010 |
Lyon university / CNRS |
LLC001505 |
Coherent hyperfine properties in a new Pr doped tungstate Pr:La2W3O12 compound for quantum memory application: Study of the hyperfine structure and hyperfine coherence lifetime under a strong external magnetic field |
2009 |
Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris |
LLC001508 |
Vanadium lifetime measurements |
Juliet Pickering |
2009 |
Imperial College London |
LLC001520 |
Spectrophysics for Astrophysics : tellurium, osmium and other ions of astrophysical interest |
2009 |
University of Liège |
LLC001525 |
Radiative lifetimes of Nb I and Nb III excited states |
2010 |
Institute of Solid State Physics |
LLC001545 |
Investigating the energy-density threshold in a self-injecting, self- guiding laser wakefield accelerator |
Stuart Mangles |
2010 |
Imperial College London |
LLC001547 |
Two-dimensional femtosecond spectroscopy of chlorosomes |
Jakub Psencik |
2009 |
Charles University |
LLC001553 |
Michael Schmitt |
2010 |
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
LLC001577 |
2D electronic spectroscopy of conjugated polymers |
Arvydas Ruseckas |
2010 |
University of St Andrews |
LLC001578 |
Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopic studies of model organic photovoltaic blends |
Panagiotis Keivanidis |
2010 |
Imperial College London |
LLC001584 |
Excited state dynamics of water soluble Eumelanin pigment and its precursor and intermediates. |
Alessandro Pezzella |
2010 |
Department of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry |
LLC001593 |
Benjamin Benjamin Dietzek |
2011 |
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena |
LLC001597 |
2D electronic spectroscopy of xanthorhodopsin |
Tomas Polivka |
2010 |
University of South Bohemia |
LLC001620 |
Electron beam and X-ray radiation generated by laser wakefield in capillary tubes. |
Brigitte CROS |
2012 |
LLC001642 |
Neutral yttrium radiative lifetimes for the study of cool dwarfs stars, brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets |
Hugh Jones |
2011 |
University of Hertfordshire |
LLC001666 |
High-resolution spectroscopy and planar imaging of the CN radical in flames |
Johannes Kiefer |
2011 |
University of Aberdeen |
LLC001692 |
Pigment-protein, pigment-pigment interactions and excitation energy transfer among pigments in water soluble chlorophyll-binding protein (WSCP) |
Heiko Lokstein |
2011 |
Universität Potsdam |
LLC001714 |
Laser spectroscopy diagnostics of HCN formation in hydrocarbon flames |
Sergey Cheskis |
2011 |
Tel Aviv University |
LLC001722 |
High-resolution vibrational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) for accurate thermometry in low-temperature combustion systems |
Michele Marrocco |
2012 |
LLC001742 |
Mapping of energy flow in well-defined multichromophoric dendrimers by 2D polarization single molecule imaging |
Johan Hofkens |
2012 |
K.U.Leuven |
LLC001765 |
Seref Kalem |
2012 |
Institute of electronics and Cryptology |
LLC001767 |
Electronic 2D spectroscopy of a novel molecule for photovoltaic applications |
Thomas Roland |
2011 |
LLC001837 |
Radiative lifetimes of Tb I and Tb II excited states |
Kiril Blagoev |
2012 |
Institute of Solid State Physics - BAS |
LOA001499 |
Nonlinear optical transformation of the polarization state of circularly polarized light with holographic-cut cubic crystals |
Solomon SALTIEL |
2009 |
Sofia University |
LOA001506 |
Coherently driving phase transitions for applications in phase change memories |
Jan Siegel |
2009 |
Instituto de Optica, CSIC |
LOA001566 |
High Harmonic Generation in a two-color circularly polarized field |
Marta Fajardo |
2010 |
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear |
LOA001599 |
OFI XUV laser using the pump beam guiding seeded by high order harmonics |
Jiri Limpouch |
2009 |
Czech Technical University in Prague |
LOA001607 |
Optimization of two color harmonic generation for amplification in a free electron laser |
Luca Giannessi |
2011 |
LOA001623 |
Study of proton generation and fast electron refluxing vs. plasma scale-length on target rear side |
Dimitri Batani |
2011 |
University of Milano Bicocca |
LOA001629 |
Investigation of the polarization properties of supercontinuum generation in cubic nonlinear crystals |
Stoyan Kourtev |
2011 |
Sofia University |
LOA001657 |
Energy scaling of hollow fiber pulse compression: towards terawatt few-cycle pulses |
John Tisch |
2011 |
Imperial College |
LOA001674 |
Control of x-rays from a laser wakefield experiment using tailored density profiles |
Stuart Mangles |
2011 |
Imperial College London |
LOA001689 |
Time and 2D space resolved refractive index of high energy density plasmas in the XUV |
Marta Fajardo |
2011 |
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear |
LOA001754 |
High-order harmonic generation in highly ionized gases |
Christoph Hauri |
2012 |
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne/Paul Scherrer Institute |
LOA001802 |
High-order Harmonic Generation driven by a two-coulour laser field in Mach-Zehnder configuration |
Giovanni De Ninno |
2012 |
University of Nova Gorica |
LOA001806 |
Characterization of wavefront and spatial distribution of even harmonics generated in gas |
Luca Giannessi |
2012 |
LOA001812 |
Time-resolved imaging of magnetic domain structure evolution by resonant scattering of coherent soft x-rays |
Stefan Eisebitt |
2012 |
TU Berlin, Germany |
LOA001820 |
Time and 2D space resolved refractive index of high energy density plasmas in the XUV (II) |
Marta Fajardo |
2012 |
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear |
LULI100TW001471 |
Investigation of damage induced by intense x-ray pulses for the European XFEL beamline optic components |
Jerome Gaudin |
2009 |
European XFEL |
LULI100TW001474 |
Enhancement of ion acceleration via Debye sheath confinement on reduced mass targets |
Marco Borghesi |
2009 |
Queen's University Belfast |
LULI100TW001528 |
Energy loss of ions in moderate to strongly coupled plasmas |
Marco Borghesi |
2011 |
The Queen's University of Belfast |
LULI100TW001557 |
Approach to ultra-high Electric Fields in the TNSA Mechanism using K-shell X-ray Spectroscopy |
Ingo Uschmann |
2010 |
IOQ, University of Jena |
LULI100TW001635 |
Narrow band neutron sources for ultrafast probing applications |
Marco Borghesi |
2012 |
The Queen's University of Belfast |
LULINANO2000001467 |
Picosecond X-Ray Diffraction from Shocked and Off-Hugoniot States of Iron and Copper Crystals |
Justin Wark |
2010 |
University of Oxford |
LULINANO2000001478 |
A study of the mean fast electron energy entering solid density plasmas with the use of high contrast ratio intense laser pulses. |
Peter Norreys |
2010 |
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
LULINANO2000001531 |
Generation of cosmological magnetic fields in laboratory experiments |
Gianluca Gregori |
2010 |
Oxford University |
LULINANO2000001632 |
Study of cone target perturbation by shock and related fast electron generation and transport in warm dense matter |
Alessio Morace |
2011 |
Università di Milano |
LULINANO2000001636 |
Gianluca Gregori |
2011 |
Oxford University |
MBI001504 |
Comparison of quantum well and quantum dot red/NIR AlGaInP semiconductor lasers at COMD |
Peter Smowton |
2009 |
Cardiff University |
MBI001522 |
2.0 micron lasing of Ho3+ in KREW (RE = Y, Gd and Lu) |
Xavier Mateos |
2010 |
Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
MBI001601 |
Q-switching and SRS laser of thulium doped KLu(WO4)2 single crystals |
Maria Cinta Pujol Baiges |
2011 |
Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
MBI001663 |
Nonlinear excitation of tailored nanostructures (NEXT) |
Enda Dr. McGlynn |
2011 |
Dublin City University |
MBI001668 |
High energy negative ion beams from ultra-intense laser-plasma accelerator |
Sargis Ter-Avetisyan |
2011 |
The Queen's University of Belfast |
MBI001684 |
Investigation of catastrophic degradation mechanisms in InP quantum dot lasers |
Stella Elliott |
2012 |
Cardiff University |
MBI001713 |
Proton acceleration from snow targets by ultra high laser intensities |
Arie Zigler |
2012 |
Hebrew University |
MBI001726 |
VUV laser spectroscopy of the 229Thorium nuclear transition |
Thorsten Schumm |
2011 |
TU Wien, Atominstitut |
MBI001799 |
High energy negative ion beams from ultra-intense laser-plasma accelerator |
Sargis Ter-Avetisyan |
2012 |
The Queen's University of Belfast |
MPQ001515 |
Polarization properties of harmonics generated on solid surfaces by sub-10fs laser pulses |
István Földes |
2012 |
KFKI-Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences |
PALS001411 |
HiPER preferential access: Development of new spectrally resolved X-ray imaging technique for fusion plasmas |
Leonida Antonio Gizzi |
2009 |
Istituto Processi Chimico-Fisici - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche |
PALS001412 |
Measurements of ablation rates of plastic targets heated in the regime relevant to ICF |
Greg Tallents |
2009 |
University of York |
PALS001513 |
Study of Laser-Plasma Coupling in a Regime relevant for Shock Ignition of Fusion Targets |
Dimitri Batani |
2010 |
Università di Milano bicocca |
PALS001514 |
Highly efficient acceleration and collimation of high-density plasma for fusion-related applications |
Jan Badziak |
2010 |
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion |
PALS001517 |
Radiative shock waves : XUV diagnostics |
Chantal STEHLE |
2010 |
LERMA, Observatoire de Paris |
PALS001552 |
Plasma jet creation and its interaction with plasmas and other jets |
Tadeusz Pisarczyk |
2012 |
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser MIcrofusion |
PALS001651 |
New probing of radiative shocks: X ray laser imaging and multi-wavelength space resolved photometry |
Chantal Stehle |
2012 |
Observatoire de Paris, LERMA |
PALS001652 |
HiPER preferential access: Study of the effect of supra-thermal electrons on the shockwave generation efficiency in shock ignition relevant regime |
Petra Koester |
2012 |
Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - UOS Pisa, CNR |
PALS001653 |
High energy proton/ion beams production by sub-ns, kJ-laser plasma interaction |
Lorenzo Torrisi |
2012 |
Messina University and INFN-LNS of Catania |
PALS001655 |
The effect of preformed plasma on a laser-driven shock produced in a planar target at the conditions relevant to shock ignition. |
Jan Badziak |
2012 |
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion |
PALS001768 |
Measurement of the temporal coherence and spectral linewidth of the 21.2 nm saturated X-ray laser |
Annie Klisnick |
2012 |
SLIC001518 |
Fluorescent properties of a double stranded DNA and the G4-DNA nanowires |
Alexander Kotlyar |
2009 |
Tel Aviv University |
SLIC001521 |
Excited state deactivation processes of anthracycline complexes with G-quadruplex structure |
Ilse Gert Julia Manet |
2010 |
SLIC001555 |
Influence of excitation density on evolution of electronic excitations studied by the method of time-resolved interferometry |
Vitali Nagirnyi |
2010 |
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
SLIC001556 |
Correlation between fast electron transport of energy and ion acceleration in ultra-high intensity ultra-high contrast laser-solid interactions |
Dimitri Batani |
2010 |
University of Milano Bicocca |
SLIC001580 |
Studies of the electron heating mechanism in laser - cluster interaction with electron and x-ray spectroscopy |
Gregor Schiwietz |
2011 |
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin f. Materialien u. Energie GmbH |
SLIC001590 |
Time-resolved tomographic imaging for the study of linear molecules dissociation |
Amelle Zaïr |
2012 |
Imperial College |
SLIC001630 |
Femtosecond time-resolved spectroscopy of cyclopropenylidene |
Ingo Fischer |
2010 |
University of Wuerzburg |
SLIC001656 |
Relaxation and interaction of electronic excitations of wide-gap scintillators studied by time-resolved interferometry in sub-nanosecond time range |
Vitali Nagirnyi |
2010 |
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
SLIC001675 |
Nonlinear properties of chalcogenide glasses |
Nabil Sayed Mohamed Abdel Moneim |
2011 |
University of Nottingham |
SLIC001682 |
Three dimensional coherent diffraction imaging |
2012 |
Institut für Quantenoptik |
SLIC001686 |
Excited state deactivation processes on fs-ps time scale in anthracycline complexes with G-quadruplex structures of telomeric DNA |
Ilse Manet |
2012 |
SLIC001689 |
Laser driven ion acceleration with multi-layered targets |
Matteo Passoni |
2012 |
Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Energy |
SLIC001731 |
Exploring the importance of intersystem crossing (ISC) as a decay mechanism following the excitation of substituted phenols and phenol-like molecules. |
Michael Ashfold |
2011 |
University of Bristol |
SLIC001776 |
Harmonics from relativistically oscillating plasmas and the attosecond lighthouse effect |
Matt Zepf |
2012 |
Queen's University Belfast |
SLIC001785 |
The impact of electron acceptor strength on the emissive charge separated state of proton sponges. |
Anna Szemik-Hojniak |
2012 |
Faculty of Chemistry of University of Wroclaw |
SLIC001801 |
Harmonic source for time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy |
Benjamin Whitaker |
2012 |
University of Leeds |
SLIC001808 |
Advanced polarimetry of high order harmonics emission from aligned molecules |
Jan Rothhardt |
2012 |
Helmholtz-Institut-Jena |
ULF-FORTH001432 |
Phase transitions with high activation energy induced by femtosecond laser irradiation. |
2009 |
Laboratoire de physique des lasers, CNRS Université PARIS 13 |
ULF-FORTH001441 |
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) analysis of finds from Trebeniste necropolis |
2009 |
Institute of Solid State Physics,Bul. Acad. Sciences |
ULF-FORTH001495 |
“Studies of ultra-short laser ablation mechanisms of biological tissue by examination of the ablation products with TOF and Plasma-Shadow-Graphy” |
Albena Daskalova |
2009 |
Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
ULF-FORTH001497 |
Analysis of materials using double pulse LIBS configuration with femtosecond lasers |
Gines Nicolas |
2012 |
Universidad de A Coruña |
ULF-FORTH001511 |
Rewritable optical storage based on femtosecond laser-assisted self-ordered periodic nanocrack arrays in transparent dielectrics |
Eli Simova (Prof. Rui Vilar) |
2009 |
Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST-UTL) |
ULF-FORTH001524 |
Femtosecond Random lasing |
Claudio CONTI |
2009 |
ULF-FORTH001573 |
Production and testing of multilayer coatings grown by PLD for application as photoelectron source in radiofrequency electron guns |
Antonella Lorusso |
2010 |
Department of Physics, University of Salento, Italy |
ULF-FORTH001582 |
Investigation of the ultrafast photodissociation time of the Schumann-Runge band in O2 by a XUV pump-XUV probe scheme |
Alvaro Peralta Conde |
2010 |
Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) |
ULF-FORTH001586 |
Material transformations induced by high density electronic excitation at femtosecond laser irradiation. |
2011 |
Laboratoire de physique des lasers, CNRS UMR 7538, Université PARIS 13 |
ULF-FORTH001589 |
3D biodegradable polymer microstructures for tissue engineering via 2-photon polymerisation |
Frederik Claeyssens |
2010 |
University of Sheffield |
ULF-FORTH001591 |
2010 |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) |
ULF-FORTH001594 |
Evaluation of structural modifications in laser-cleaned fresco fragments by means of holographic interferometry |
Zsuzsanna Márton |
2010 |
University of Pécs, Institute of Physics |
ULF-FORTH001600 |
Cluster-controlled chemical dynamics |
Claire Vallance |
2010 |
Oxford University |
ULF-FORTH001603 |
Imaging formamide photodissociation in the UV. Searching for another example of roaming mechanism. |
Luis Banares |
2012 |
Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
ULF-FORTH001613 |
Velocity map imaging study of the photodynamics of nitrosyl chloride |
Benjamin J Whitaker |
2011 |
University of Leeds |
ULF-FORTH001614 |
Structure and dynamics of SixOy clusters |
2010 |
ULF-FORTH001619 |
Generation of core-shell nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquids |
Guillaume VIAU |
2010 |
INSA Toulouse |
ULF-FORTH001621 |
Erbium-Doped Nanowire Lasers |
James Wilkinson |
2010 |
University of Southampton |
ULF-FORTH001625 |
Two-photon polymerization of polymer-ceramic and protein microstructures: Comparison of processability with picosecond and femtosecond laser systems |
Jouko Viitanen |
2010 |
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland |
ULF-FORTH001676 |
Nonlinear attosecondphysics |
Milutin KOVACEV |
2011 |
Institute of quantum optics Hannover |
ULF-FORTH001681 |
Investigation of novel photocurable ionogels for 3D microstructuring employing the direct laser writing technique. |
Mohamed Oubaha |
2011 |
Dublin City University |
ULF-FORTH001688 |
Employing nonlinear imaging microscopy for characterization of microlenses produced in different biocompatible materials |
Aleksandar Krmpot |
2011 |
Institute of physics |
ULF-FORTH001694 |
Ultrafast measurements of morphologically advanced colloidal gold nanostructures. |
Antonios Kanaras |
2011 |
Univesity of Southampton |
ULF-FORTH001727 |
Characterization of ultrafast light driven self-organization mechanism in glass |
Martynas Beresna |
2012 |
University of Southampton |
ULF-FORTH001759 |
In-Line Holographic Study of Non-Linerar Interaction Processes of a Femtosecond Laser with the Cornel Tissue |
2012 |
Ensta Paris Tech, Ecole Polytechnique |
ULF-FORTH001817 |
Laser fabrication of 3D nanophotonic structures on fiber tip and their performance characterization |
Mangirdas Malinauskas |
2012 |
VULRC001503 |
Investigation of photoinitiating system and material matrix interaction by means multiphoton absorption of optical parametric amplified ultra short laser pulses. |
Mohamed Oubaha |
2009 |
Dublin City University |
VULRC001507 |
Multipulse spectroscopy uncovers the coupling of the charge transfer state to the excited state in Bacterial Reaction Centre (BRC), Light harvesting complexes (LH2 and LH1) and LHC2? |
Thomas Adriaan Cohen Stuart (van Grondelle) |
2009 |
Vrije Universiteit |
VULRC001519 |
Laser-induced damage of dielectric coatings in the nano to femtosecond regime |
Laurent GALLAIS |
2009 |
Institut Fresnel |
VULRC001558 |
Interaction and diffusion of self-trapped excitons in tungstate crystals |
Vitali Nagirnyi |
2010 |
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
VULRC001570 |
Investigation of the laser-potassium atom interaction. |
Nikos Merlemis |
2010 |
Technical Institute of Athens |
VULRC001572 |
Four-Wave Parametric Amplifier for Mid-Infrared Ultrashort Laser Pulses. |
Daniele Faccio |
2011 |
Universita' dell'Insubria |
VULRC001581 |
beam shaping in photonic crystals |
Kestutis Staliunas |
2010 |
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) |
VULRC001612 |
Feasibilty study on utilization of femtosecond Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for high resolution mapping |
Karel Novotny |
2010 |
Masaryk University |
VULRC001631 |
Study of the V-type atomic configuration of potassium atoms, excited by fsec pulses |
Thomas Efthimiopoulos |
2011 |
Laser, nonlinear and Quantum Optics Labs |
VULRC001661 |
Reaching the electron tunnelling-regime in light-matter interactions in condensed media. |
Daniele Faccio |
2011 |
Heriot-Watt University |
VULRC001671 |
Beam shaping in reflection from photonic crystals |
Kestutis Staliunas |
2011 |
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) |
VULRC001672 |
Femtosecond UV laser-induced fibre grating inscription at high pulse repetition rate |
David Nikogosyan |
2011 |
University College Cork (UCC) |
VULRC001690 |
Time-resolved spectroscopy of plasma generated in filamentation of ultrashort laser pulses in water |
Stefano Minardi |
2011 |
Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena |
VULRC001798 |
3D-Mapping of ultrashort laser pulse undergoing filamentation in water from tight to loose focusing geometries |
Arnaud Couairon |
2012 |
Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS |