Access Facilities - ICFO, Barcelona, Spain
Contact: Núria Charles-Harris |
Created in 2002, ICFO is located in the Mediterranean Technology Park in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, and hosts 350 researchers organized in 26 groups working in 60 state-of-the-art laboratories. ICFO researchers work in diverse areas of both, basic and applied research in which lasers play a decisive role. Themes range from studies relevant to medicine and biology, tunable and ultra-fast lasers, and advanced imaging techniques, to environmental sensing and quantum science and technologies, among others.
Excellence: ICFO is one of the few research centers that belong to the “Severo Ochoa” national program for research excellence, and that has received two consecutive accreditations (2012-2015; 2016-2019). It currently hosts 15 ICREA elite research professors, two Industrial Chairs, three Industrial Labs and so far has secured 32 European Research Council grants. It participates in many EC-funded projects and serves in positions of leadership in the Graphene and Quantum Technologies Flagships. ICFO researchers have published some 3000 papers in the top topical journals with more than 90,000 citations in publications monitored by the WoS. To date, over 175 PhD theses have been defended at the institute and 7 spin-off companies have been created. ICFO faculty members include several laureates of senior and junior national and pan European prizes in topics closely related to laser science.
- Attosecond dispersive soft X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in graphite, B. Buades et al., Optica 5, 502 (2018)
- 0.5 keV soft X-ray attosecond continua, S.M. Teichmann et al., Nature Commun. 7, 11493 (2016)
- Atomic force microscopy-based mechanobiology, M. Krieg, et al., Nature Reviews Physics, 1, 41 (2019)
- Cerebral vasoreactivity in response to a head-of-bed position change is altered in patients with moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea, C. Gregori-Pla, et al., PLoS ONE 13, e0194204 (2018)
- Frequency-encoded multicolor fluorescence imaging with single-photon counting color-blind detection, E.T. Garbacik et al., Biophys. J. 115, 725-736 (2018).