News and Press
Advanced summer school and workshop for undergraduate and postgraduate students of medicine and physics - co-funded by Laserlab-Europe
Summer workshop co-organised by Laserlab-Europe
Synthesis of large carbohydrates is an energy-consuming multi-step process. Therefore, scientists are looking for a catalyst enabling a direct chemical reaction from feedstock molecule methane to larger carbohydrates. Gold nanoclusters seem to be a promising candidate for such a catalyst. In a recent transnational access project performed at FELIX Laboratory (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) an international collaboration consisting of researchers from Radboud University in Nijmegen, Georgia Tech University in Atlanta, US, and Ulm University in Germany, used infrared radiation to show that tiny gold particles can be used to selectively break one single C-H bond in methane. The results of the project were published in the prestigious chemical journal Angewandte Chemie.
Artificially grown three-dimensional pieces of tissue are increasingly used to study cell growth and disease progression in biomedical research. These so-called tissue mimics can be observed using a technique called Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy. In a recent Laserlab transnational access project, the groups of Pablo Loza-Alvarez (ICFO) and Corinne Lorenzo (ITAV, Université de Toulouse) collaborated to compare the effectiveness of different light sheet illumination modalities for complex 3D samples. The findings of their study were published in Scientific Reports.
3-7 July 2017, Coimbra, Portugal
passed away unexpectedly on 5 December, at the age of 66 years
EUCALL will build bridges between major laser and X-ray research centres
LASERLAB-EUROPE, the consortium of major European laser research organisations, enters a new phase of collaboration from 2015 until 2019. In a very competitive call the consortium has been successful in securing EC funding of 10 million euros in Horizon 2020.