Laserlab-Europe Newsletter #36: Attoscience

Issue 36 of the Laserlab Newsletter is now available.

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In this issue:


  • High harmonic generation: from strong field physics to photon pathways (LIDYL, France)
  • Field-driven attosecond charge dynamics in germanium (CUSBO, Italy)
  • Advancements in ultra-broadband and efficient UV light pulse generation for attochemistry (DESY, Germany)
  • Attosecond core-level soft-x-ray spectroscopy at ICFO (Spain)
  • Attosecond sources for applications (LLC, Sweden)
  • All-attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy (MBI, Germany)
  • X-Photon 3D Polymerisation (VULRC, Lithuania)
  • Laser-induced electron diffraction in chiral molecules (CELIA, France)


  • 360 CARLA photonics career launch programmes
  • EURIZON fellowship programme for Ukraine begins
  • Platform for laser-driven ion acceleration: A collaborative effort at HiLASE facility
  • Jena research team develops AI system in optical fibers
  • Detector patented for single-shot, high repetition rate CEP detection
  • Breakthrough in ultraviolet spectroscopy

ACCESS HIGHLIGHT: Demonstrator experiment of seeded FEL lasing of the COXINEL beamline, driven by a laser plasma accelerator

The invention of the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) – capable of producing high-brilliance coherent radiation, fully tunable from the infrared to the x-ray domains – has opened new scientific avenues for the investigation of matter with atomic resolution and on ultrafast timescales. Progress has been enabled by the continuous improvement of the electron beam quality of conventional linear accelerators. In parallel, the rapid development of laser plasma accelerator (LPA) electron sources
has paved the way towards alternative drivers for FELs, and it is envisioned that their use will enable facility size to be downsized by more than one order of magnitude, particularly for short wavelength radiation generation.


Each year, Laserlab-Europe researchers are awarded prestigious grants by the European Research Council (ERC). Here, we highlight six Advanced Grant projects – worth up to 2.5 million euro, with a runtime of five years. Congratulations to Thomas Stoehlker (GSI), Thomas Udem (MPQ), Javier García de Abajo (ICFO), Roberta Croce (LLAMS), Johannes de Boer (LLAMS) and Sandrine Lévêque-Fort (ISMO)!


  • ELI’s strategic integration and scientific advancements

  • EU project RIANA launched: A hub for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Editorial Team: Tracey Burge, Marina Fischer, Julia Michel, Daniela Stozno

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