'Call for Proposals' - for ion and laser experiments

We hereby invite you to submit experiment proposals in the framework of FAIR Phase-0, which offers beamtime for experiments at GSI until the start of FAIR. The FAIR Phase-0 program is exploiting the facilities of GSI, upgraded to meet the requirements as FAIR injectors, plus the FAIR CRYRING storage ring and PHELIX laser. Moreover, it offers an opportunity to use detectors developed for FAIR for scientific programs.

The present 'Call for Proposals' to all four Program Advisory Committees (PACs) is foreseen to offer a total user beamtime combined of roughly

  • 350 shifts at UNILAC,
  • 300 shifts at SIS18,
  • 250 shifts in total for at ESR, ESR-HITRAP and ESR-CRYRING,
  • 100 shifts at PHELIX.

Ion experiments will be scheduled in 2026 and 2027, PHELIX experiments between end 2025 and summer 2026.

Proposals to PPAC (laser & laser-ion) must be submitted by the 26th of November 2024!

A list of typically available ion beam parameters can be found here.

For current laser and experimental parameters see here.

The 'Call' for beamtime proposals is open until November 26, 2024.

For details on the application procedure see 'Application Procedure'.

Should questions on technical feasibility, safety issues etc. arise after the submission, our staff will contact the spokesperson (proposer) by E-mail to clarify these points before the advisory committee meeting. In their meeting on January 23-24, 2025, the PHELIX and Plasma Physics Program Advisory Committee (PPAC) will discuss the received proposals with a clear focus on scientific excellence. Should questions arise in those discussion the proposal’s spokesperson will be asked to response within days. Accordingly, the PPAC will formulate their evaluation and recommend granting beamtime to the proposed experiments to the directorate. Experiments granted(1) in this round will run in the above-mentioned period. Granted shifts will expire after this period.

­­(1) Beamtime is granted at no charge within the framework of the Helmholtz Association: “Rahmenrichtlinie über die Nutzung von Forschungsanlagen der Helmholtz-Zentren durch Dritte” (1.3.2000), §II. 1.2. GSI/FAIR need to report to funding agencies on user operation and user communities in form of statistical data.

PHELIX can provide access for laser experiments in the PHELIX hall, and alternatively at the Z6 target station at UNILAC and at HHT at SIS18. For information on current laser and experimental parameters please refer to www.gsi.de/PHELIX-parameters or contact the respective person responsible for the target station of interest:

Further contacts:

Details on the laser and laser diagnostics: Vincent Bagnoud

Access and support through Laserlab-Europe: Diana Lang

PPAC Scientific Secretary: Karin Füssel