Working Group on the Physics of Foams for ICF: Brian Haines on "Foam Modeling and Experiments for the MARBLE Campaign" (6 May 2024, online)

Hi all,
Our third Working Group on the Physics of Foams for ICF zoom meeting will be held on Monday, May 6, at:
0900 PDT
1200 EDT
0600 GMT+2

Zoom link:

+1 646 931 3860 US

Meeting ID: 947 0331 5147

Agenda:              B. Haines: Foam Modeling and Experiments for the MARBLE Campaign

Please feel free to share this invitation with others who might be interested. 
Hope to see you there,
Tim Collins (LLE/UR)

Brain Haines (LANL)

Mario Manuel (GA)

Jose Milovich (LLNL)

Vladimir Tikhonchuk (ELI Beamlines)

Petros Tzeferacos (UR)

Valeri Goncharov (LLE/UR)