Training event on laser-induced printing for microscale additive fabrication, 13 November 2024, Marseille, France

  • What Laserlab-Event
  • When Nov 13, 2024 (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
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training.jpgLaserlab-Europe organises a training event on laser-induced printing for microscale additive fabrication at the Laser Plasma and Photonic Processes laboratory (LP3 UMR 7341 CNRS AMU) on the Campus of Luminy, Marseille (France). The next events will be held on 09 October 2024, 13 November 2024 and later on demand. The lab experiments will be held on one of the LP3 platforms (LaMP, focused on the development and industrial transfer of laser-based processes. 

Among additive manufacturing techniques, the laser-induced printing technique based on a forward transfer of material addresses the challenges of digital printing in solid or liquid phase with high (micrometric to sub-micrometric) resolution. Due to the large degree of versatility and flexibility of this point-to-point non-contact laser fabrication technique, the fields of applications are countless, encompassing printed electronics, organic electronics on flexible support and also tissue engineering.

This training will provide the attendees with a close-up and fully-immersing experience into the reality of an advanced research experimental technique and the true step-by-step demonstration of printing of micrometre pixels and/or a simple electronic device on an adapted substrate.

This one-day training is organised in two sessions:

  • a course focused on the printing process based on LIFT (for Laser Induced Forward Transfer) and the key parameters for its optimisation according to the targeted application, its various possible fields of applications, its pros and cons for industrial applications, etc.
  • hands-on practice on a laser set-up (how to handle a laser process setup including safety rules, sample preparation, how to set the printing parameters, and actual printing of dots, lines, a test vehicle and fabrication of a simple electronic device on a microscale, optical diagnostics of the samples).

Attendance is limited to 4 participants max.


  • PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, technicians, engineers, academics or industry


  •  basic knowledge (BSc) in optics and physics

Pedagogical Team

The course is given by LP3 researchers who are specialists in the field of laser-assisted printing.

  • Catalin Daniel Constantinescu – CR – CNRS
  • Adrien Casanova – MCF – AM
  • Patricia Alloncle – CRHC – CNRS


  • The training is run on an on-demand basis with a maximum of one session per month (no session during August).

How to apply

Registration Fee

  • 800€ (VAT excluded), which includes:
    • the lectures and the booklet,
    • the lab demonstrations and manipulations,
    • the lunch
  • Travel costs and accommodation, if necessary, have to be covered by the participant.


  • A limited number of bursaries to cover the registration fee and travel and accommodation costs are available from Laserlab-Europe. Please, indicate your need for a bursary in your application together with a letter of motivation.

Training details


  • Acquire basic skills on how handling high power laser process.
  • Understand basic and advanced principles of the laser-induced printing process.

Training course content

  • 9h – 11h lectures on Laser Induced Forward Transfer
    • Technique description
    • Key parameters (sample, printing, safety …)
    • Pros and cons depending on the targeted application.
      • electronics
      • bioprinting
      • others
  • 11h – 12h hands on
    • Presentation of the laser workstation.
    • Safety rules for laser handling.
    • Organisation of the afternoon training session.
  • 12h – 14h lunch break
  • 14h – 17h30 hands on
    • LIFT in liquid phase: samples preparation.
    • Printing dots
      • demonstrating some key parameters
      • optical characterisations.
    • Printing of a test vehicle
      • demonstrating some key parameters
      • optical characterisations.
    • Printing lines
      • demonstrating key parameters
      • optical characterisations.
    • Printing a simple electronic device
      • optical characterisations.
  • 17h30 – 18h debriefing, questions and final remarks