3 September 2024, Synthesis and Properties of Ionic Liquids for Application in Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Catalysis - Harwell, UK

This 1-day meeting, which is free to attend, may appeal to UK/European MDN subscribers with interests in dynamics at the gas-liquid interface.

Supported Ionic Liquid Phases (SILPs) represent a proven strategy for catalysis, comprising a thin ionic liquid (IL) film deposited on a high-surface-area support, in which a homogeneous catalyst can be dissolved producing an effectively heterogenised arrangement. The heterogenised nature of the catalyst coupled with the selectivity of its homogeneous mode of action makes SILPs highly effective materials with demonstrated effectiveness and greater potential yet to be realised.

The one-day meeting, which will be held on 3 September 2024 at the Harwell Campus, Didcot, in conjunction with the UK Catalysis Hub, will look at recent areas of development both in terms of the ionic liquids available and the catalysis that is possible.

The bigger picture will be painted by two Plenary lectures - one from Professor Marco Haumann from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, Germany and the other from Professor Walter Leitner from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Aachen, Germany.

There will be a poster session and some bursaries are available to aid attendance by Early Career Researchers.

This is a great opportunity to learn something of this exciting new technology, which is currently under-represented in the UK.

Details may be found at the following RSC Events Page (https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/78608/synthesis-and-properties-of-ionic-liquids-for-application-in-supported-ionic-liquid-phase-silp-catalysis) from which there are links to a site providing more scientific background as well as links for Registration and Poster Submission.

Registration deadline is 9 August.