Training event on "Modelling of ultra-intense laser propagation in plasmas and laser-plasma accelerators: fundamentals", 26-29 April 2022, online
- Training event on "Modelling of ultra-intense laser propagation in plasmas and laser-plasma accelerators: fundamentals", 26-29 April 2022, online
- 2022-04-26T00:00:00+02:00
- 2022-04-29T23:59:59+02:00
- What Laserlab-Event
- When Apr 26, 2022 to Apr 29, 2022 (Europe/Berlin / UTC200)
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This training event will be dedicated to the fundamentals of computational modelling of intense laser pulse propagation in plasma, and applications to compact laser plasma based accelerators. Laser plasma accelerators are one of the most exciting applications of intense lasers and computational modelling plays a critical role in the design and optimization of laser plasma accelerators.
Target group
PhD students/post-docs/researchers in laser-plasma interactions, with both experimental and theoretical backgrounds, aiming to develop their know-how on computational techniques commonly used in laser propagation in plasmas and intense laser-plasma interactions.
Format and contents
The event will take place over the course of 4 days, with a 2 hour lecture per day where participants will learn the basics of pulse propagation in plasma, the principles of state of the art laser-plasma computational tools, how to use these tools and perform data analysis. The computational tool to be used is ZPIC, complemented by Jupyter notebooks. It is a fully relativistic, electromagnetic, and open-source particle-in-cell code. ZPIC builds on the state-of-the-art particle-in-cell OSIRIS, and it features all the basic ingredients of the particle-in-cell scheme without advanced features while keeping a very simplified code base and easy interfacing with Python/Jupyter notebooks.
The PIC scheme is a standard tool in laser-plasma research today, and in particular in laser-plasma accelerators. Participants will learn basic skills in using these codes for their research and for laser-plasma/accelerator applications. Ideally participants should have some experience/programming skills in C and Python but the training event can also be followed with begginers' expertise. The duration of the event is 4 days, with 2 lecturer contact hours per day, with remote support/discussion over a Slack channel. Lectures and hand on sessions will be entirely remote. Participants need to have their own laptop/desktop computers + good internet connection. Instructions for software installation will be provided during class.
A participant diploma will be issued on completion of the training event.
The training event is organised in collaboration between Laserlab-Europe and the EURIZON project.
Attendance is limited to 18 participants. Please apply by submitting a brief motivation letter through the application form, providing your name, institute and position (student/scientist, etc.) and explaining your interest in the field.
Deadline for applications: Applications are closed
Registration fee
There is no registration fee.
Organization: GoLP/IPFN/Instituto Superior Técnico
Coordination: Jorge Vieira, Ricardo Fonseca
Instructors: Jorge Vieira, Ricardo Fonseca, Miguel Pardal, Bernardo Malaca
Admin Support: Cláudia Romão, Ana Luísa Matias
Training event presentations
- Training event presentation - Day 1 >>
- Training event presentation - Day 2 >>
- Training event presentation - Day 3 >>
Tentative program:
[10.30am-12.30am CET each day]
Session 1 - Tutorial + hands on: PIC codes and ZPIC installation.
Tutorial: Basics of PIC simulations (the PIC loop, field solver, particle push, units).
Tutorial + hands on: ZPIC installation and on how to use it (input file, diagnostics, plotting data).
Session 2 - Tutorial + hands on: Laser dynamics and plasma accelerators: an introduction.
Intro to laser wakefield accelerators (plasma waves, acceleration, wakefield excitation with intense lasers).
Hands-on: Modelling the propagation of intense lasers in plasma accelerators.
Session 3 - Hands on: Basics of PIC simulations.
Laser propagation regimes: vacuum vs plasma, short vs long pulse regimes.
Session 4: Participant presentations.
Participants will be invited to present simulation results in flash presentations.