Postdoctoral Research Position Attosecond Atomic Physics, The Ohio State University, US

The group of Prof. DiMauro and Agostini at The Ohio State University has openings for postdoctoral research associate in experimental atomic and optical physics. The group’s current interests are focused on the application of attosecond pulses. A collaboration with SLAC for investigating studying ultrafast dynamics using the LCLS x-ray free-electron laser is ongoing. The group's main interest is studying how electrons move in matter at time scales as fast as attoseconds and length scales as small as angstroms (

Experience in short pulse lasers and ultra-high vacuum techniques is desirable, although we seek the best overall experimentalists. Funding for this position is available immediately but there is some flexibility about the starting date. For further information, please contact Louis DiMauro ( or Pierre Agostini (agostini.6@osu.ed). To apply for this position, please send your CV and names, e-mail and telephone numbers of three references.