Postdoc position Development of novel, disruptive sample delivery for cryo-EM experiments, DESY, CFEL, SCCB, Hamburg, Germany

Opening position for a postdoctoral researcher to join our team working on novel sample-preparation and -delivery approaches for the imaging of structure and ultrafast dynamics of biological macromolecules. The project builds on our extensive experience in sample delivery for single-particle imaging at XFELs and aims at implementing advanced cooing and control methodologies for advanced ultrafast-dynamics studies of complex biological molecules.

We are looking for a highly motivated research associate at the postdoctoral level who is a great team player and has/brings experience in several of the following fields: experimental physics, aerosol physics and fluid dynamics, vacuum operation, cryogenics, laser physics, light or particle detection, structural biology. Experience with instrumentation implementation at large-scale facilities would be a plus.

We provide a strong and closely collaborating project team with members from my CMI-COMOTION team at DESY and collaborators in Hamburg and elsewhere.

The professional development of women is very important to us; therefore, we strongly encourage women to apply for the vacant position.

Please submit your application as a single PDF file containing, at least,
• A brief letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
• Your curriculum vitae
• A list of 3–5 most important publications and your OrcID
• The names and contact information of 2-3 persons who can serve as references

For further inquiries, please contact us at
Please see also for further information.