PhD position Ultrafast CISStronics: Chiral-Induced Spin Selectivity effect on ultrashort timescales, HZDR, Dresden, Germany

The “High-Field THz-Driven Phenomena Department” at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) is currently looking for a skilled and highly motivated PhD candidate to work on ultrafast spin dynamics in novel complex materials.

The candidate is supposed to work - within an international and interdisciplinary team - both on sample design and characterization and on ultrafast experiments using intense THz sources and femtosecond lasers. This includes utilizing the accelerator-based high-power terahertz facility TELBE ( The long-term goal is the design and understanding of energy-efficient, ultrafast spintronic emitters based on organic/inorganic hybrid materials.

The position is shared between two institutes at HZDR: The Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research where the student will work in a team designing, manufacturing and characterizing advanced materials and prototypes, and The Institute of Radiation Physics where the student will conduct time-resolved experiments using state-of-the-art terahertz infrastructure.

The initial funding of the position runs for three years.

We are in particular looking for candidates with experience in (ultrafast) magnetism and spin dynamics, pump-probe techniques and nonlinear optics.
