PhD and Postdoc positions Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany

Multiple funded PhD and Postdoc positions are available at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin, Germany. The successful applicants will become part of my newly formed research group within the Molecular Physics Department of the Fritz Haber Institute.

The aim of the PhD or postdoc project is to implement an experiment for dispersed and time-resolved fluorescence measurements of molecular ions relevant to interstellar chemistry - including diatomics, carbon chains and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The goal is to measure their fluorescence spectra and radiative lifetimes for emission processes that occur in isolated molecules on extended timescales (mainly micro- to milliseconds). This type of emission can play a role in stabilizing molecules in the interstellar medium and the associated emission spectra can serve as a benchmark for identifying molecules in space through their emission lines. More detailed information about the project and relevant literature can be found on our group webpage.

The project is funded by the Max Planck Society through an Otto Hahn Award and will additionally have access to the infrared free-electron laser of the Fritz Haber Institute, which is currently being upgraded to feature simultaneous two-color operation in the infrared.

The PhD/Postdoc applicant should hold a Master/PhD degree (or equivalent) in chemistry, physics or a related field. The candidate should have a high motivation to work independently and build a new experimental setup. Prior experience with ion spectroscopy, laser-induced fluorescence, ion traps, tunable nanosecond lasers, high vacuum experimentation and/or cryogenic applications would be beneficial. 

If interested, please contact the group leader (Jascha Lau, directly and include a CV as well as the contact details of two academic references.