HZDR (Dresden, Germany)

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Germany


The HZDR located close to Dresden (Germany) is a multi-disciplinary national research center with about 1200 employees focused on programmatic research in the fields of health, matter and energy and on running large scale research infrastructures. Laser based advanced accelerator research, medical physics (cancer research related), high field physics and high power laser development are performed at the novel ELBE center for high power radiation sources, also operating electron accelerator driven IR FELs and superradiant THz sources as user facilities.

Excellence: HZDR offers unique experimental capabilities for advanced accelerator research, bright light source development, and translational research for laser based radiotherapy at the dual beam Petawatt / 150 Terawatt Ti:Sapphire laser DRACO equipped with a variety of independent probe beams at dedicated target stations. Development of the next generation high power lasers is performed with the diode pumped Yb:CaF2 Petawatt laser project Penelope, coming online first for ion acceleration applications within the Helmholtz ATHENA project.

Basic research as well as applied experimental projects are complemented by innovative and open source computing activities focusing on GPU accelerated simulation tools (PIConGPU) aiming for predictive capability and big data management. HZDR currently hosts the two ERC grantees F. Stefani (m) and K. Kvashnina (f) and a number of Helmholtz YIGs.

Main tasks in Laserlab Europe: HZDR participates in JRA1, establishing the application of laser driven particle sources for cancer research and energy efficient high power laser development, and leads two tasks in JRA1. It provides preferentially collaborative transnational access to its Petawatt laser facilities and provides leading open source simulation tools.

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Bautzner Landstraße 400
01328 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 260 - 0
