CLPU (Salamanca, Spain)

CLPU operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed by three independent and synchronised 30 fs long Ti:Sa based-laser pulses: VEGA-3 of 1 PW (at 1Hz), VEGA- 2 of 200 TW and VEGA-1 of 20 TW (both up to 10 Hz). Besides its architecture, the uniqueness of VEGA is that it is a petawatt-class laser system of high-repetition rate.

Chemical Physics Letters 2023, 812, 140268

Research highlights

Centro de Laseres Pulsados /
Center for Pulsed Lasers, Salamanca, Spain


Contact: Javier Sastre Porcherie, Project Manager

Proton sources

Method of producing 100 keVs ion beams from a gas jet using two intense laser pulses [Proceedings Volume 12579. Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions VII, SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2023]

Angular-Resolved Thomson Parabola Spectrometer for Laser-Driven Ion Accelerators [Sensors 2022, 22(9), 3239]

Liouville Theory for fully analytic studies of transverse beam dynamics in laser-plasma ion interactions [Symmetry 2022, 14 (9), 1875]

Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon [Nature Communications 2022, 13, 2893]

Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA-2 at the Centro de Láseres Pulsados [High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e25 (2019)]

Laser Particle applications

Integrated quantitative PIXE analysis and EDX spectroscopy using a laser-driven particle source [Science Advances 7, eabc8660 (2021)]

Electrons and X-ray radiation beams

Time-domain study of the synchrotron radiation emitted from electron beams in plasma focusing channel [Physical Review E, vol. 105, nº 2 (2022)]

Influence of the magnetic field on properties of hot electron emission from ablative plasma produced at laser irradiation of a disc-coil target. [Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 2022, 64, 115012]

Observation of tunable parametric x-ray radiation emitted by laser-plasma electron beams interacting with crystalline structures [Phys. Rev. Accel. Beams 2022, 25, 063403]

Tracking ultrafast dynamics by sub-20-fs UV pulses generated in the lab open atmosphere [Chemical Physics Letters 2023, 812, 140268]

Demonstration of efficient relativistic electron acceleration by surface plasmonics with sequential target processing using high repetition lasers [Phys. Rev. Research 2023, 5, 013062]

Recirculated wave undulators for compact FELs Applied Sciences 2021

Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA-2 at the Centro de Láseres Pulsados [High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e25 (2019)]

Off axis spiral phase mirrors for generating high-intensity optical vortices [Opt. Lett. 45, 2187-2190 (2020)]

Laser-Plasma Diagnostics:

Guided electromagnetic discharge pulses driven by short intense laser pulses: Characterization and modeling [Phys. Plasmas 30, 013105 (2023)]

Soft X-Ray measurements with a gas detector coupled to microchips in laser-plasma experiments at VEGA-2 [J. Instrum. 15, C02006 (2020)]

Development of an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for laser driven X-ray sources [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 90, 063704 (2019)]

A 2D scintillator-based proton detector for high repetition rate experiments [High Power Laser Sci. Eng. 7, e60 (2019)]

Characterization, and Modelling Ultrashort Laser-Driven Electromagnetic Pulses Sources [Scientific Reports 10, 3108 (2020)]

Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector [Revi. Sci. Instrum. 89, 023302 (2018)]

Liquid target system © CLPU
 Diagnostics for High-intensity laser

Towards an in-situ, full power gauge of the focal-volume intensity of petawatt-class lasers [Opt. Express 27, 30020 (2019)]

Further applications include
  • Laser-driven neutrons for imaging applications
  • Targetry for HRR experiments




Projects performed by external users >>

Further application highlights

Lasers and Metrology Lasers for Fusion Energy

Experimental set-up for VEGA © CLPU

The Centro de Láseres Pulsados is the key Spanish user facility specialized in high-intensity ultrashort lasers included in the strategic National Roadmap of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS). Its main mission is to promote scientific and technological development by offering national and international user access to its laser system VEGA, successfully commissioned in 2017 (the 200 TW VEGA-2), and in 2019 (the PW VEGA-3).

VEGA is offered to users with several modes of operation related to the selection of the synchronized lines, the repetition rate (single-shot, burst or nominal frequency or dividers modes,) and the energy (high or low). Moreover, the users have other complementary systems: a CEP laser system that adds an output of 6 fs pulses to the 30 fs laser VEGA allowing ‘pump-probe’ type experiments using a very short duration VUV or XUV system as a ‘probe’; a Quanta Ray laser system that can be synchronized with VEGA’s repetition rate, delivering 1ns/1J pulses, and a highly specialized metrology bench for analysing the laser beam just before it enters the target area.

Particle acceleration, laser metrology, targetry and diagnostic of ultra-short and high-repetition rate PW-class lasers, and generated secondary sources (electron, proton and betatron X-ray) are the main subject of investigations at CLPU. The scientific division is involved in a research programme encompassing the secondary sources’ development and their employment in high density and intense laser-plasma interactions, material science, detectors’ development, nuclear physics etc…

Expertise in recyclable materials

remade-logo.pngApart from offering material characterisation techniques such as PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission), X ray fluorescence and absorption, spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and related techniques (Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and electron backscatter diffraction) CLPU has extensive experience in the use of reusable detectors suitable for characterizing particle beams at high repetition rate measurements. In addition Vega 3 can be used to study Laser induce Damage threshold and pump probe measurements.

>> Watch the Laserlab-Europe Talk ' Radiation sources based on laser plasma interaction and applications in materials science'

Services for industry
Medical technologies

Laser development - Prepare secondary beams for laser accelerators for electrons and for protons

For more information, contact the Laserlab Office.

Search for other industry services>>

Equipment offered to external users

VEGA is a Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) system based on Titanium-Sapphire technology with a unique architecture with three outputs (with different powers) synchronized by a unique front-end.

The VEGA-3 system © CLPU

Table of outputs from the VEGA laser

Complementary equipment to VEGA


The CEP Laser is a 4th generation Femtopower system that offers ultrashort pulses (23 fs after amplifier) and few cycle pulses (5 fs or less after hollow core fibre post-compression) with carrier envelope phase stabilised and energy in the range of mJ. It works a central wavelength around 800 nm, in the near-infrared range; and in a spectral band around 50 nm FWHM (after amplifier) and > 200 nm (oscillator and after compression).

Information on the CEP stabiliser

Other Information

The Centro de Láseres Pulsados has other important complementary facilities to VEGA that researchers can use to have a higher control over the performance of their experiments:

  • Electro-mechanical workshop, where we can design and produce customized pieces for users’ experimental set-ups.
  • ULAMP Service (Ultrashort Laser Applications and Micromaterial Processing), a lab with a fs Spitefire laser system that provides a laser beam specially characterized for micromaterial processing. It supports basically the development in targetry and diagnostic devices.
  • Microscopy Unit that has a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an optical microscope, adding values to the performance of the experiments at CLPU.