Call for proposals for intra-consortium staff exchanges

Deadline for applications: 14 July 2024

Laserlab-Europe: Call for proposals for staff exchanges – short-term opportunity before the end of the project

Laserlab-Europe invites staff of consortium members to submit proposals for Laserlab-internal staff exchanges to be organized in the work package "Scientific and Technological Exchanges". The consortium includes all members (full and associate) of Laserlab-Europe AISBL, as it is a participant in the project.

Objectives: Train researchers and technical staff of Laserlab-Europe infrastructures to enable them to make optimum use of laser facilities through short-term training visits, aiming at:
i) increasing the "hands-on" experience and to improve specific experimental skills and competences for scientists, and
ii) assuring that the operators and technicians of Laserlab-Europe infrastructures are trained at the highest possible level through sharing of expertise, procedures and knowledge.


  • Laserlab scientists or technicians submit a brief proposal to the Internal Project Panel via the email address staff-exchange at
  • The proposal should be short and concise, typically one page. Please, download and use the application form.
  • Duration of a staff exchange should not normally exceed 2 weeks.
  • Accepted staff exchanges should be completed by mid-November 2024.
  • Support for approved proposals will cover the travel and subsistence expenses of visiting scientists or technicians.
  • Following the exchange, a short report should be submitted to the Coordinator's office. A report form is provided for download.
  • Deadline for applications: 14 July 2024

Criteria for evaluation:

  • Relevance of the objectives of the exchange and the needs of the sending facility in view of the objectives listed above;
  • Appropriateness of the approach as well as of the host with respect to the objectives of the exchange;
  • Qualification of the staff to be exchanged.

General guidelines:

Please, note that there are two different networking activities for intra-consortium exchanges:

  • Staff exchanges, as addressed by the present call, targeting scientific and technical training and exchange of know-how and best practices primarily of technical staff;
  • Joint experiments, i.e. experiments with a clear scientific mission and possibly leading to publications. Proposals for such experiments are possible at any time, and should follow the usual access proposal procedure through the proposal management system. In the application form “Joint Experiment” should be marked. (These experiments must not be confused with access provided for external users only.)

In case of questions, please contact Daniela Stozno.