Related Activities and Networks


Infrastructure networks

LaserNetUS: High-intensity laser research facilities in North America

X-lites Network: The Extreme Light in Intensity, Time, and Space (X-lites) Network

CALIPSOplus Logo

CALIPSOplus: Access to world-class accelerator-based light sources in Europe and in the Middle East

arie.pngARIE: Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe

COST Actions

CA23136: CHIROMAG - Magnetism and chirality: twisting spins, light, and lattices for faster-than-ever spintronics

COST Action CA 22148: NEXT: An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques
Duration: 17 October 2023 - 16 October 2027
>> Webpage

COST Action CA 21128: PROBONO: PROton BOron Nuclear fusion: from energy production to medical applicatiOns
Duration: 24 October 2022 - 23 October 2026
>> Webpage

COST Action CA 21101: COSY: Confined Molecular Systems: From a New Generation of Materials to the Stars
Duration: 27 September 2022 - 26 September 2026
>> Webpage

COST Action CA 18223: Future communications with higher-symmetric engineered artificial materials
Duration: 06 November 2019 - 05 November 2023
>> Webpage

COST Action CA18222: Attosecond Chemistry
Duration: 25 October 2019 - 24 October 2023
>> Webpage


COST Action CA18212: Molecular Dynamics in the GAS phase
Duration: 12 November 2019 - 11 November 2023
>> Webpage

COST Action CA17126: Towards understanding and modelling intense electronic excitation
Duration: 12 September 2018 - 11 September 2022
>> Webpage

COST Action CA17123: Ultrafast opto-magneto-electronics for non-dissipative information technology
Duration: 03 October 2018 - 02 October 2022
>> Webpage

COST Action CA17121: Correlated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences
Duration: 12 October 2018 - 11 October 2022
>> Webpage

COST Action CA17113: Trapped Ions: Progress in classical and quantum applications
Duration: 18 September 2018 - 17 September 2022
>> Webpage


Marie Curie Training Networks

>> Please, see Career - Training, Education and Mobility