EC project documentation

Laserlab-Europe is today a European consortium of 35 major laser research infrastructures (RIs), located in 18 European countries. It is supported by the EC as an Horizon 2020 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. It provides access to a broad user community, pursues research and development for improved access and research opportunities at the RIs and it fosters networking activities strengthening the European laser research landscape. Laserlab-Europe has been in existence and under continuous development for approximately one decade, and been very successful in its mission.

In the 1990’s a number of national laser research infrastructures, recognised as European Large-Scale Facilities, started to cooperate with the mission to make their facilities available to European users and to perform joint RTD projects to improve the access and research capabilities of the participating infrastructures. The FP5 Cooperation Network LASERNET (2001-2004) marks the beginning of structuring activities amongst the laser RIs in Europe. In FP6 Laserlab-Europe (2004-2008) introduced the concept and vision of a unified “European Distributed Laser Infrastructure” with ambitious structuring elements: sharpening the profile of the Consortium and of the individual participants, enhancing their complementarity, filling gaps in the state-of-the-art instrumentation, improving European laser research through Joint Research Activities (JRAs) and Transnational Access, and laying the foundation for a lasting and sustainable Networking Activity. The consortium then consisted of 17 laser infrastructures from 9 European countries. Two major JRAs pushed the forefront of laser research in selected areas and, in fact, triggered the development of the ESFRI pan-European RIs. Building thereupon, the FP7 project Laserlab-Europe II (2009-2012) aimed at “extending the European dimension” by reaching out to new members states and new scientific communities. It then grew to 24 beneficiaries with 27 individual laser infrastructures in 16 countries, plus 13 subcontractors, and 6 associate partners, altogether participants from 19 European countries. In addition, it expanded the JRAs to five of the most important scientific challenges in laser research, while maintaining support of the user community through the proven, highly co-ordinated and quality-controlled Transnational Access activities. With the project Laserlab Europe III (2012-2015), the consortium focuses on internal consolidation (expanding with only three new RI) and further scientific integration across Europe.


Laserlab-Europe project achievements


Laserlab-Europe on the Cordis webages:

Laserlab-Europe: 2019-2024
Laserlab-Europe: 2012-2015
Laserlab-Europe: 2009-2012
Laserlab-Europe: 2008-2009
Laserlab-Europe: 2004-2007